Our aim is to determine the effect of the method, the type of field and the interaction between the two on the variability of the yield.Īs we selected the column title for the variables, we left the option Variable labels activated. The Dependent variable (or variable to model) is here the "Yield". Once you've clicked on the button, the ANOVA dialog box appears. Setting up a two-way unbalanced ANOVA with interactionsĪfter opening XLSTAT, select the XLSTAT / Modeling data / ANOVA command/ With XLSTAT's ANOVA function, we can find out if the growing method has a significant effect on the yield by controlling the type of field and the interaction between the method and the type of field.

We have performed an ANOVA with interactions in order to determine the interactions between the types of methods used and the types of fields. Because the 3rd method was not tested on the 4th type of field (because of a lack of seeds), and the 2nd method on the 4th type of field (because of a hail storm), the experiment is a typical example of an unbalanced ANOVA. The yield was measured after the harvest. The data correspond to an experiment in which four different methods for growing crops were tested on four different types of fields (same soil but different light exposure). Dataset for a two-way unbalanced ANOVA with interactions Not sure this is the modeling feature you are looking for? Check out this guide. This tutorial will help you set up and interpret a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on unbalanced data in Excel using the XLSTAT software.